Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
The kind of grit that Angela Duckworth is talking about in her book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance isn’t the kind that southerners put on their tables to eat.
It’s that old-fashioned element of strength in a person who exhibits the power of passion and perseverance.
Grit can make you successful.
In Duckworth’s book, she points out that grit matters because it’s the telling element in how serious you are about working for success and going through with it no matter how hard it might be.
Duckworth is a firm believer that grit, rather than talent, is the main element in success.
Her eye-opening years came during her early years of neuroscience, business and teaching.
These years led her to form the hypothesis that talent and genius don’t predict your level of success – but grit does.
That pairing of perseverance and passion that she calls grit is what really causes success.
She writes of her interviews with such greats as J.P. Morgan and Coach Pete Carroll of the Seahawks fame and shares what she learned from them.
Her findings show that you don’t need a high IQ or compatible circumstances – you simply need a goal and the grit to make it there.
Part 1 of Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance explains what grit is and why it should matter to you.
In Chapter One, Duckworth goes into the rigorous training schedule demanded by the U. S. Military Academy at West Point.
It’s not easy to become a cadet at West Point – and it’s triple-difficult to make it through.
The training plan is to turn cadets into soldiers – soldiers that can hold their own in war and keeping an entire country safe from harm.
In Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, Duckworth explains that she discovered it wasn’t the abilities of the cadets that got them through the most demanding military training in the country, but the never-give-up attitude of the successful adults.
The book is a delightful combination of story-telling and scientific presentations that will make you think and encourage you to keep trying no matter how hard the journey gets and how many obstacles you encounter.
That wonderful combination of perseverance and passion make the grit you’ll need to get you through any situation or push for success.
It will also help you to silence the negative thoughts in your mind and get on with the process.
Duckworth skillfully teaches us how we can grow our own grit from the inside-out until we develop the same type of grit that makes it possible to succeed in whatever we do.
Just as the cadets at West Point know – when you’ve developed the grit inside yourself and use it to accomplish what you’ve always dreamed of, you’ll know that you earned the right to call yourself a success.
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D, is a renowned psychologist at Stanford who wrote an incredibly important book for our times – Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.
It’s all about how we can reach our full potential and what we set our minds to do.
The book demolishes the belief that fixed talents and abilities are what get us to success and proves that mindset can help us develop those talents and abilities.
This book is especially important for teachers, parents, coaches and managers who are charged with the development of young minds.
The latest edition of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success shows more insight into Dweck’s original concept.
She writes about false mindset that inhibits growth and teaches those who want true growth mindset how to get it.
The first section of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success deals with why and how people are different – and how to use those differences to create your own mindset for success.
Dweck also helps you learn about failure and mindset and digs deep within the psyche to give you a true meaning of both.
Success is also addressed – and the theory that success may be proving how smart you really are.
One thing Dweck discusses in Mindset: The New Psychology of Success is how too much praise and positive reinforcement can be a danger that keeps you from success.
It’s a new spin on what we always thought of as a good thing that could motivate us to success.
When you’re labeled in a negative light – what happens to your mindset?
Dweck explains what can happen when our mindset turns dark because we’ve been conditioned (labeled) to think of ourselves as failures.
Mindset is an important element for athletes and Dweck spends an entire portion of her book discussing how an athlete becomes a star and the mindset he or she had to develop along the way.
Part 5 of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success is about developing mindset and leadership in business.
She explains how top negotiators, managers, organizers and leaders are formed and the exact mindset needed to excel at these careers.
The book wouldn’t be complete without a section on the mindset in relationships and love.
Dweck delves into this subject with much insight on how relationships and love partnerships are formed and what role mindset plays in the process.
Dweck has a special section of advice for parents, teachers and coaches and how to teach and leave a positive mindset legacy.
Changing your mindset for success isn’t easy, but Mindset: The New Psychology of Success helps you enter and complete the process with ease.
Some call Mindset: The New Psychology of Success the most influential book on the market today about growth and mindset. It’s worth a read – and a re-read.
It’s changed millions of lives – let it influence yours.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
This classic and highly respected book by Stephen Covey (1932 – 2012) is timeless in its wisdom and inspiration.
It’s a book that should be on your shelf if it isn’t already. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has been on the market for 25 years.
It’s recognized as one of the most life-transforming books of all time and millions of people have read it and have stories about the book helping them find success and happiness.
Many people claim that reading the book was the beginning of a life-changing journey and the catalyst that brought them success they never thought possible.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People isn’t one of those books you read one time and put aside.
Rather, it’s a bible of sorts for those who long to be successful and effective in the journey they’ve chosen for their lives, but aren’t sure where to begin or how to plot the journey.
The latest, 25th edition of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People lists endorsements of names such as Dave Ramsey, best-selling author and radio host,
Arun Gandhi, President of the Gandhi Worldwide Education Institute and Norman Vincent Peale, the Power of Positive Thinking author – and many more.
Covey touched more people’s lives than imagined with his down-to-earth teachings for anyone about how to be successful – both in business and in personal struggles.
His legacy of books is still leading people who want to learn how to get the successes they desire.
The seven habits run the gamut of teaching you how to be more proactive, seeking success by visualizing the end results, prioritizing important tasks and thinking like a winner.
They also include how you need to understand first and then help people to understand your own ideas.
Synergize is one of the habits that teaches you how to put it all together to achieve success and the last habit has you thinking ahead to what can be done with improvements and more thought and actions.
Just the names of the seven habits tell you a lot about what the book is about.
The real value comes in the way it is written and how well you can understand what you need to do to become a successful and highly effective winner.
Whether you want to become a leader or help others achieve their own successes, this book can help you develop your own strategies and implement them in a way that brings success and happiness.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is an insightful and incredible book that has been read by presidents and popes, CEOs and successful authors.
You owe it to yourself to explore what Covey has written and find how it can help you in your own journey.
This book – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – can become your foundation for how you live your life.
Read it and read it again to fully understand the concepts he’s explaining.
The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work and Team with Positive Energy
Wouldn’t it be great if there was an energy bus you could get on, go to a place where you could refuel your life with energy, become more enthused about your work, motivate and energize your team and gather positive energy that would make a difference in how you feel and approach life?
Author, Jon Gordon, has written a book that details how you can create that energy bus for yourself – The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work and Team with Positive Energy.
Gordon is also a speaker who has inspired thousands around the world.
His principles have been used successfully by Fortune 500 companies, college and professional coaches and other organizations.
In a highly entertaining manner, Gordon tells a story of George and how a flat tire on his car caused him to have to take the bus to his destination.
George wasn’t having a good day and everyone knew it from his attitude.
Since George had an important meeting at work, he decided to take the bus – even though he hadn’t ridden on one for decades.
The bus driver’s name was Joy, and she seemed determined to get George in a joyful mood.
It was the beginning of a journey that would teach George the meaning of life – using the very rules that Joy demanded on her bus.
Rule number one was to show George how he was the driver of his own bus – and he, alone, could make the rules of his life.
As the journey continues, George learns all about how to focus, create energy in his life and motivate his coworkers.
He also learns that negativity in his life is one of his worst enemies and the downfall of everything he’s failed at.
Just as George did – you’ll learn about the energy vampires – those demons that can suck the energy from your life each day and leave you drained and floundering.
They keep you from reaching goals and realizing your full potential and they can rob you of your true destiny.
One important lesson from the book is to drive your own bus (live your own life) and don’t compare your bus with others.
When you’re focused on what you want out of the bus ride, you can plan the journey and make the necessary stops to achieve it all.
Your own desires and visions will make sure your bus is headed in the right direction and you’ll learn to drive with success in mind.
Keep in mind – as the book says – that you can attract more passengers with enthusiasm than you can with negativity.
The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work and Team with Positive Energy is a fun and possible life-changing read.
You can immediately put the principles you learn in this book to work for you and reap the benefits. Read the book and enjoy the ride.
The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results
Phenomenal, must-read and life-changing are just a few of the terms used to describe Gary Keller’s book, The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results.
The premise of the book is that we all want less – less problems to deal with, less emails, tweets, meetings, stress and other demands on our daily lives.
And we want more – more income, energy, a better lifestyle and more time for ourselves.
But how to achieve our wants and get rid of the stressful things in our lives seems out of reach in the high-paced world we live in today.
The cost of changing to a simpler way of life could mean even more stress.
Less money in the paycheck, no promotions, never reaching goals, missed deadlines and more can be the devastating result of changing our lifestyles to create more time for ourselves.
Now, The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results can show you how you can have less of what you don’t want and more of what you do by following some very simple rules and suggestions.
Keller explains how you can cut out the clutter, set and keep goals in less time and learn how to deal with stress.
Your energy level will soar and you become less overwhelmed at those things that used to bring you down.
You’ll learn the lies about multi-tasking and how you can achieve much better results by focusing on one thing at a time – how living a disciplined life will lead to a balanced life.
Keller’s take on productivity will change your life and make success a habit rather than hit and miss.
Learn about the Domino Effect and why Success Lists are better than to-do lists.
Extreme Pareto (80/20 to the max) is explained in a way you’ll understand and make it part of your plan for success.
The journey through this book will help you understand how the focusing question will bring you to that One Thing to ensure your rise to success.
There are three commitments that can make successful habits part of your life.
And there are four thieves that can rob everything from you.
The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results has the route to success that you’ve been waiting for.
If you consider yourself a failure and have given up reaching for the stars and a lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of, you owe it to yourself to read this book.
Those who take to heart (and mind) the concepts laid forth in the book are living extremely rewarding lives – both in careers and personal lives.
Gary Keller, author of The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results, is co-founder of Keller-Williams Realty, Inc. – the number one real estate company in the world.