101 Ideas for Infoproducts



One of the keys to making six figures online is to put out multiple products. But a lot of people hit a roadblock – they put out an infoproduct or two, and then wonder what else to write about. They end up squinting at a blank page, trying to come up with profitable ideas.

That’s where this report comes in, because you’re about to discover 101 ideas for your next report, book, video or other infoproduct.

But here’s the best part…

These 101 ideas will easily lead you to hundreds of other ideas – all you have to do is plug in a different hot topic.

You see, what you’ll find are 20-21 hot topics across five popular categories, including Make Money Online, Health and Fitness, Personal Growth, Hobbies and Relationships.

Let’s take the example of #7, which is “What the World’s Most Successful Direct- Response Marketers Know About Writing High-Converting Sales Letters”

You could easily change that to, “What the World’s Most Successful Social Media Marketers Know About Growing a Business Using Twitter.”

You could even take this Make Money idea and use it in another niche, such as relationships. E.G., “What the World’s Most Successful Couples Know About Building a Happy Marriage.”

Do that a few more times with other hot topics in your niche, and you’ll instantly have dozens of extra ideas for your next product.

So here’s what I suggest – grab a pen and scribble down any ideas that come to you as you read this report. You’ll soon have enough product ideas to keep you busy for the rest of the year and beyond!

Let’s jump in…

Internet Marketing/Make Money Online

Whether the economy is good or bad, people are always looking for ways to make money with their own business. There are parents (especially mothers) who want to stay home with their kids, people who just hate their jobs, and those who just crave independence. Here are some ideas for products catering to this market…

1.  The #1 Secret to Getting Traffic

This topic is a perennial favorite among internet marketers, as everyone is always looking for the secret that will pull in the traffic they desire. Another variation on this report is to create something like, “7 Secrets to Getting All the Traffic You Need.”

2.  How to Create a Bestselling Kindle Book in Just Two Days

Kindle books continue to be hot, while ebooks on Google Play and Apple are gaining popularity. You can cash in on this trend by teaching people how to research and write a bestseller.

3.  Outsourcing Secrets: How to Find, Hire and Motivate a Team of Talented Freelancers

Here’s another enduring trend, because people like to make money without lifting a finger. This sort of product would show people how to outsource all or part of their business.

4.  Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a changing landscape as new platforms arrive, some gain popularity, and some change the way they do business with you. You can keep people abreast of these changes with a report, video or even a live seminar.

5.   Blogging 101: The Quick and Easy Way to Set Up and Run a Successful Blog

Blogging is still hot, and a great way to join a community, display link bait content, and get traffic from the search engines. Problem is, some people have no idea where to start. You can solve this problem with your product.

6.  The Incredibly Easy Way to Create Apps and Software (Even if You Don’t Know a Lick of Code)

As smart phones continue to gain popularity, more marketers are looking at how to cash in on this trend. That’s why this is such a great topic. Think of this as selling the shovels to the gold miners.

7.    What the World’s Most Successful Direct-Response Marketers Know About Writing High-Converting Sales Letters

Copywriting is one of the key skills marketers ought to know, yet they generally overlook. You can teach people how to create sales letters, pay per click ads, classified ads, and other sales materials.

8.  How to Turn a Simple Idea into a Six-Figure Income

People often have business ideas, but no idea what to do next. This sort of product will give them a blueprint to follow to turn their ideas into cash.

9.    The 10 New Traffic Sources Every Internet Marketer Ought to Know

This report taps into the newest traffic sources, either in one specific niche or for all niches. Sources might include marketplaces, new social media platforms, or even offline advertising opportunities.

10.   21 Amazingly Simple Ways to Boost Your Conversion Rate and Make More Money

Here’s a good idea for a general report to show people actionable ways to make more money. Examples include testing copy, learning how to write effective email subject lines and more.

11.  How to Set Up Your Order-Taking Website in Less Than an Hour

Some people are “idea people,” but the tech side scares them. That’s why your “easy to understand” report or video on the topic will be welcomed with open arms.

12.   Viral Mania: The Secrets of Creating Content That Sweeps Across Your Niche Like a Prairie Fire

Most marketers dream of hitting it big with a viral video or other content, but they don’t know where to start. You can show them how to get more views on their videos, blog posts and other content.

13.  Video Star: How to Create Professional High-Quality Videos

Here’s another idea for presenting a technical topic in “easy to understand” terms. Be sure to include recommendations for the latest and greatest video production tools. (Hint: this is a great opportunity to insert your affiliate link for backend sales.)

14.  21 Best Practices for Service Providers

Plenty of people are looking to sell their services, but they struggle with finding and maintaining clients. Your infoproduct could show them how to build a stable service business.

15.   Customer Care: The Secrets of Creating Great Customer Experiences That Keeps People Coming Back for More

People often don’t give too much consideration to customer care. This is why you need to really emphasize the benefits of this topic, such as customer retention, more referrals and more backend sales.

16.   Million Dollar Ideas in a Snap: How to Brainstorm and Research Killer Business Ideas

Every day we hear stories about simple ideas that explode into profitable businesses. People love hearing these stories and they dream about doing it themselves, which is why this is a great topic.

17.  Competition Crusher: Five Proven Ways to Dominate Any Niche

If your market includes business folks who are competitive, then they’ll enjoy learning about how to crush, dominate and win more marketshare in their niche.

18.    Mastering Internet Marketing: How to Go From Five Figures to Six figures in Less Than Six Months

This is for the business owners who’ve had some success, but they’re ready to take it to the next level. Bonus benefit: this tends to be a market with money, and they’re happy to purchase high-ticket products to solve their problems.

19.  The 10 Secret Habits of Extremely Successful Marketers

Anyone who’s earning for success wants to get their hands on “secrets” than can advance their goals, which makes this sort of product popular.

20.    Super Charge Your Productivity: 27 Ways to Make More Money in Less Time

A lot of business owners dreamed of all the free time they’d have once they started their own business, but instead they found themselves working long days. You can help people achieve their dreams by teaching them how to streamline their business and be more productive.

21.  Kiss Your Boss Goodbye: How to Brainstorm, Research, Fund and Start a Thriving Six Figure Business This Year

This encapsulates one of the most common dreams – telling the boss to “stuff it” and then going on to start a successful business. Your product can show them how.

Health and Fitness

This is a great category because your solutions can help people feel better, and in some cases make them look younger, slimmer or otherwise more attractive. Take a look…

22.  Amazing Abs: How to Get Impressive Washboard Abs in Just Six Weeks

Another enduring trend – people are forever looking for ways to lose weight and look great. You can create a general product, or one geared towards males, females or some other demographic.

23.   Pain Be Gone: The Simple Three Step Method for Reducing Chronic Arthritis Pain

There are a lot of baby boomers who are feeling the effects of age, including ailments such as arthritis. You can tap into this growing market with this sort of an infoproduct.

24.  How to Beat Insomnia

There is a “sandwich generation” of people who’re raising their kids while they take care of their elderly parents, and many of them are feeling the effects of stress such as insomnia. Still others suffer from sleep problems due to other stressors, physical problems or mental problems. Thus you tap into this large market with a product like this.

25.  7 Crucial Weight-Lifting Secrets Every Bodybuilder Ought to Know

This sort of product is in demand because bodybuilders are always looking for an edge in developing the perfect, symmetrical body. You might even angle the product towards those who participate in bodybuilding competitions, or you could nichify it by writing it for female bodybuilders or natural (non-steroid use) bodybuilders.

26.  Weight-Loss Magic: How to Tap Into Your Body’s Natural Ability to Burn Fat

Any diets promising natural methods or ancient methods (think “Paleo Diet”) are popular right now. Just come up with a clever name for your specific diet, and you’re off and running

27.    The Delicious Diet: 101 Low-Calorie Recipes You’ll Love

If there’s one thing that never changes, it’s that dieters don’t want to suffer. That’s why this sort of cookbook is popular.

28.  What Personal Trainers Do When They Want to Lose 10 Pounds Fast

This type of product is in demand because it promises “insider secrets” for fast weight loss. For a better product, you may even want to interview personal trainers to get their specific tips and tricks.

29.   Sugar is Evil: How to Lose Weight, Feel Better and Looks 10 Years Younger by Breaking Your Sugar Addiction

More and more people are realizing how bad sugar is for their health, yet they feel powerless to break their soda, candy or processed foods addiction. You’ll have a popular product if you can offer a viable strategy.

30.  The Top 21 Super Foods to Make You Look and Feel Better Than Ever

You can gear this towards the “anti aging” crowd, or position it as a way to better health for all ages.

31.    Stress Busters: 37 Ways to Reduce Stress, Feel Happier and Get Healthier

Plenty of people are looking to get happier and healthier. This sort of product goes right to the heart of the main obstacles to those goals.

32.    Danger Signs: 101 Health Symptoms You Don’t Want to Ignore

Here’s another topic with a big market – primarily the baby boomers who’re aging and starting to see health symptoms that they’re worrying about.

33.      Sports   Dangers:   How   to   Protect   Your   Teenage   Athlete   From Concussions, Torn Ligaments and Other Common Injuries

This is a topic that’s really popular right now, as parents, coaches, and doctors discuss the dangers of high school athletics.

34.  Ultra Marathon Motivation: How a Former Couch Potato Became an Elite Ultra Marathon Runner

One common obstacle to people getting more active is that they don’t know how to get going from their current level of fitness (couch potato). You can offer true stories and a specific blueprint to make it easy and fun for people to get active.

35.  Unlocking Your Health: 99 Keys to a Healthier Body and Mind

You can position this as a general product (as stated above), or you can “nichify it” a bit. Example: Unlocking Your Health: 99 Keys to a Healthier Heart.

36.  The No-Fail Diet: A Surefire Nutrition Plan for Stoking Your Metabolism and Getting a Leaner Body

Here’s a product that overcomes a common weight-loss obstacle (that the diet won’t work), while promising a good benefit (a leaner body).

37.  The Ob-Gyn’s #1 Secret for Beating Morning Sickness

This product promises professional, “insider” secrets on beating a common problem for pregnant women.

38.  How to Recognize a Child That’s Being Bullied

This topic is in the news a lot, as so many bullied children take their own lives. You can also change this topic to recognizing children with depression, eating disorders, ADHD or other ailments that parents worry about.

39.   Hidden Hammers: Uncovering The Surprising Reasons You’re Always Getting Headaches (And How to Ease the Pain)

Here’s another topic of enduring popularity, as headaches cause problems with lowered productivity or even missed work and social engagements.

40.  Non-Smoker for Life: How to Give Up Smoking for Good

This is a great topic to offer at the beginning of a new year, since so many people make their “stop smoking” resolutions at that time.

41.  HIIT It! How to Use High Intensity Interval Training to Burn Fat Fast

High Intensity Interval Training continues to be popular because it takes less time and yet seems to burn more fat than traditional “steady state” cardio.

Personal Growth

There is a subset of the population who’s always looking to become a better version of themselves. They want more motivation, confidence, happiness and love. Here are 20 product ideas to help them achieve those goals…

42.    The Magic of Meditation: How to Find Happiness and Inner Peace Through Meditation

While meditation has been in existence for thousands of years, every day beginners are wanting to explore the topic and find out what it can do for them

43.  The Three Secrets of Getting More Done In Less Time

Here’s another favorite topic that you can nichify if you choose. (E.G., The Three Secrets Busy Moms Use to Get More Done In Less Time.)

44.  Success Unleashed: How to Unlock Your Unlimited Potential for Success

A lot of people dream about success, but they never quite reach it. That’s why this sort of topic is useful and popular. You can nichify it too, towards business people, aspiring writers, or anyone else.

45.   Clean Sweep: The Surprising Benefits of Getting Organized (And The Easy Way to Get Started Today)

A very common problem for many people is getting organized, which will improve their efficiency. You can create a book or video on the product, or send out daily emails like FlyLady.com.

46.     Assertiveness 101: Reclaiming Your Personal Power and Setting Boundaries

Many people are tired of getting trampled on at work and in their personal lives. You can bring them more power and happiness by teaching them how to be more assertive.

47.   Personal Power: The Secret of Turning Your Personal Flaws Into Your Greatest Assets

This is a traditional self-improvement product where you can show people how to change the things in their life that they’re unhappy with, while accepting the things they can’t change.

48.  Resolution Recalibration: Why You Can’t Stick to Your Resolutions, And What to Do About It

The #1 problem in February of every year is that people fizzle out on their New Year’s resolutions. If you can solve this problem, you’ll have a popular product.

49.   You 2.0: Three Easy Steps to Developing Healthy Habits That Last a Lifetime

Here’s an idea – show people how to transform their lives by creating one new healthy habit after another. It’s like the question, “How do you eat an elephant?” Answer: “One bite at a time.”

50.   Set the Bar Higher: How to Meet and Exceed All Your Personal and Professional Goals

A lot of people make goals, start strong, and then lose interest. Sometimes they make a mistake which takes them off the path. Your product can address how to get around these obstacles.

51.  Motivation Magic: What the World’s Most Successful People Know About Sticking to Their Goals

This would be a great compilation product, where you interview a couple dozen successful people to get their insights about how to get and stay motivated.

52.    Wallflower to Party Animal: The Quick and Easy Way to Overcome Shyness in Social Settings

This is a hot topic, as you’ve no doubt seen the drug ads to help people overcome social anxiety. If you can offer a drug-free solution (not a “cure” necessarily, but some solid tips), you may have a popular product.

53.  Dream Big: A Blueprint for Changing Your Life in Just 30 Days

Here’s another product idea that you can nichify. For example, the blueprint could be for changing one’s social life, professional life or even marital life.

54.    Amazing Achievements: 99 Inspirational Stories of Ordinary People Who’ve Done Extraordinary Things

This product naturally lends itself to doing interviews with inspirational people. Once again, you can nichify if you choose. For example, these could be inspirational stories about weight loss, parenting, or overcoming poverty.

55.  The 7 Immutable Laws of Finding Love

Here’s another product you could nichify. Ideas including finding love for people over 40, finding love for busy people, or finding love for single parents.

56.      Happiness is an Inside Job: 365 Daily Affirmations to Attract Love, Happiness and Success

If there’s one thing that almost every human on the planet wants, it is to be happy. That’s why this is an enduringly popular topic. You could turn this into a daily calendar, or even a year-long email series.

57.    Unlimited Creativity: A Proven Strategy for Breaking Through Your Mental Blocks and Finding Your Muse Again

You could target this product towards specific types of people, such as aspiring authors, painters, musicians or other creative types.

58.  Why Fear Destroys Your Life – And How to Get Rid of It for Good

The root of many problems in life tends to be fear. For example, fear of getting a divorce, fear of not being good enough, fear of losing one’s job, etc. This sort of product could tackle this broad topic.

59.  Saying Goodbye: A Mourner’s Guide to Gently Navigating Grief

Here’s one problem that will never go away: people who have to deal with the death of a loved one. You can also nichify this to target people who’re mourning specific people (like a spouse or mother) or even pets.

60.  The God Guide: How to Find God’s Loving Influence in a Chaotic World

Many religious people go through a crisis of faith – even Mother Teresa confessed to this problem. Your product could help them through this dark period and regain their faith.

61.  Make Your Own Luck: Why Some People Have the Midas Touch

A lot of people look around and think others have it so easy in their professional and personal lives. This product can teach people how they too can find more success.


There are hundreds if not thousands of different types of hobbies. That’s why in this section you’ll find generic titles – all you have to do is swap in a specific type of hobby, such as fishing, scrapbooking, golfing, making jewelry, mountain biking, restoring classic cars, etc. Take a look…

62.  For Fun and Profit: How to Make Extra Money With Your Hobby

This could be a general product, or you can nichify it to show people how to make money with making candles, painting pictures, making mittens or various other crafts and products.

63.  3 Surprising Ways to Get Your Expensive Hobby Funded for Free

Some hobbies are expensive, such as restoring cars. You can teach people how to get the money they need to pursue their interests.

64.  The Secrets for Mastering Your Hobby

This is aimed at people who are at an intermediate to advanced level, such as golfers who want to take another stroke or two off their game.

65.    Do What You Love: Finding Time to Enjoy Your Hobby

Another common problem for folks is that they don’t have enough time to pursue their hobby. This product helps them free up time.

66.   Hobby Hut Blueprint: A Step-by-Step Illustrated Guide for Building a Shed for Your Hobby

Depending on what type of hobby you’re targeting, people may want to build a shed where they can pursue this hobby. Examples include motorcycle restoration, raising chickens or doing crafts like making stained glass.

67.  The Beginner’s Guide to Hobby Bliss

People who are just starting out with a hobby tend to read everything they can get their hands on. As always, this product should be targeted towards a specific type of hobby, such as mountain biking or scrapbooking.

68.  How to Start a Local Hobby Group

The idea here is to show people how to start “meet up” groups centered around specific hobbies. Examples include rock hounding groups, spirituality groups or coin collecting groups.

69.  The Advanced Hobbyist’s Guide to Conquering Your Hobby

This style of title works particularly well for hobbies requiring some sort of athletic endurance. Examples including conquering an ultra marathon or hiking the Appalachian Trail.

70.   Hobby Power: How Your Hobby Reduces Stress and Improves Your Health

Sometimes people feel a little guilty for the time and money they spend pursuing their hobby, especially if a spouse or family member complains about it. This product is aimed at making them feel better about their hobby.

71.  How to Turn Your Hobby Into a Side Business

Here’s another product showing people how to make money with their hobby. For example, an experienced bayonet collector can make money identifying rare bayonets for others.

72.  The Complete Book to Getting More Out of Your Favorite Hobby

Here’s a general product that would touch on all aspects of a hobby. For example, a book about camping would make product recommendations for camping supplies, describe little-known camping spots, and go over safety issues.

73.  How to Turn Your Hobby Into Cash Using Etsy

Here’s a specific product aimed at teaching people how to sell crafts and other handmade goods on Etsy. Selling on Etsy is fairly popular right now, and it’s likely to continue trending upwards.

74.  The Hobbyists’ Bible for More Fun and Profit

Here’s another overview book of a specific hobby which also tells people how to make money with the hobby. Generally this is aimed at beginner to intermediate hobbyists.

75.  77 Nifty Hobby Tricks for Getting Better at Your Hobby

Here’s a product aimed at those who have a hobby that requires some skill, such as golfing, making jewelry or writing poetry.

76.    Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Your Hobby

Ever noticed how popular the “Idiot’s Guides” are for specific hobbies? This book would offer the same sort of general overview of a hobby for beginners. For example, a golf book would include everything from buying clubs to developing the proper grip to drives to putting… and everything else.

77.  101 Secrets Every Hobbyist Ought to Know

This title is alluring because it promises to reveal secrets. Again, you’ll target this towards a specific hobby, such as bodybuilding, ice fishing or flower gardening.

78.  Burned Out: What to do When Your Hobbies Don’t Seem Fun Anymore

Sometimes people invest a lot of time and money into a hobby, and then they have a lot of expensive equipment sitting around (like a partially restored car) and no motivation to finish it. This product tackles that problem.

79.  31 Days to a Better Hobby

Here’s another product that works particularly well if the hobby requires some skill. For example: “31 Days to a Becoming a Better Bowler.”

80.  Your Hobby Made Easy

People love taking shortcuts, which is why this type of product is so alluring. Example, “Jewelry Making Made Easy.”

81.  The Hidden Health Benefits of Your Hobby

This product is aimed at athletic type hobbies, such as hiking, skating, running, or skiing. Your product can even discuss how people can do their hobby in specific ways to get even more health benefits. For example, your product might explain how to turn an afternoon of hiking into a high intensity interval training session.


People who don’t relate well to others have problems with their children, spouse, friends, family, coworkers and others. Here are 20 ideas for helping people form better relationships…

82.    Marriage Mastermind: How to Work With Your Spouse to Create a Stronger, Happier and More Loving Marriage

You can position this product as the alternative to couple’s therapy. You can also nichify it, such as by targeting it to Christian couples, young couples, or some other demographic.

83.  Capable Communication: A Beginner’s Guide to Conflict Resolution

Some people have problems with others because they communicate in condescending, blaming, or otherwise ineffective ways. This product solves that problem and helps people build better relationships.

84.  Soul Mate Hunter: The Art and Science of Finding the Love of Your Life

A lot of people don’t just want to find love – they want to find their soul mate. That key phrase is what makes this particular product idea so effective.

85.     Best Frenemies Forever: 77 Warnings Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship

Toxic or abusive relationships don’t just happen between married couples. A lot of people are finding themselves in toxic relationships with their friends and relatives, too. This product could help them spot the warning signs.

86.   7 Communication Tactics for Dealing With Belligerent Bosses and Co- Workers

Here’s a product idea that’s specifically geared towards those who need to deal with toxic relationships at work. People who find themselves in this position often don’t feel like they can walk away from their job, so they need tools and tactics for creating a better working environment.

87.  How Reflective Listening Can Strengthen All Your Relationships

Here’s a product idea that focuses on just one part of communication. You could create a series, with each product focusing on a different component of communication (e.g., “How Showing Compassion Can Strengthen All Your Relationships”).

88.   Talking Teenagers: The Loving Parent’s Guide to Getting Your Kids to Open Up

Parents everywhere have communication problems with their kids. Your product could help them solve this problem. Bonus tip: you may consider co-creating this product with a licensed counselor to lend more credibility to your product.

89.    The Newlywed’s Guide to Creating a Loving Marriage that Lasts a Lifetime

Many newlywed’s are eager to keep their vows, but also aware of the divorce rates. This is the kind of product you can sell alongside wedding planner books and supplies.

90.   Covert Affairs: How to Recognize and Free Yourself from Emotional Abuse

Some people find themselves supremely unhappy, depressed and anxious within their relationships, but they’re not sure why. It may be because of covert emotional abuse, and your product can help them recognize these unhealthy relationships.

91.  Improve Your Emotional Intelligence, Improve Your Life

Emotional intelligence, or EQ as it’s sometimes called, is a popular topic as people use it to improve their work relationships, friendships and romantic relationships.

92.  Personality Profiles: The Secrets of Understanding People

Here’s a good product idea aimed at people who have relationship problems, or for people who just enjoy developing better relationships.

93.  Beyond Facebook: Building Deep, Fulfilling Bonds With Your Friends

The younger generation tends to have a lot of “friends” on social media. This product can show them how to go beyond those sorts of superficial friendships and develop deep bonds.

94.  Learning to Love Again: Rebuilding Trust After a Betrayal

Have you ever heard someone say they’re not interested in finding a romantic partner because they’ve been hurt in the past? I bet you know at least one person who’s said this. There are lots of people who feel this way, which is why it’s a fairly big market.

95.  Family Circus: The Sane Person’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays With Your Nutty Family

Some people live on the other side of the country from their blood relatives, but they tend to meet up (sometimes with disastrous results) at the holidays. This product addresses that common problem.

96.  The Power of Empathy to Create More Loving Relationships

You can nichify this product by aiming it at a specific group, such as those who want to develop better relationships with their spouse, children or even their coworkers.

97.   Sharks in the Water: Recognizing the 37 Manipulation Tactics Other People Are Using to Covertly Control You

This title is seductive because no one likes to think others are taking advantage of them or controlling them.

98.   Family First: What Smart Parents Know About Raising Loving, Happy Children

Parents worry about “messing up” their children, which is what makes this another enduringly popular topic.

99.  Great Expectations: Building Better Relationships Through the Power of Unconditional Love and Acceptance

This product could be nichified to specific types of relationships, such as parent-child relationships, friendships, or romantic relationships.

100.   The Art and Science of Compromising With Coworkers, Friends and Family

Some people always find themselves “butting heads” with others. This sort of product solves that problem and helps people develop better relationships.

101.  Nonverbal Communication Cues: How to Read Other People’s Minds by Learning to Read Their Bodies

Here’s another somewhat seductive title, because people are attracted to the idea of reading other people’s minds. Take a quick check on Google, and you’ll also find that nonverbal communication is a popular topic, especially with regards to dating.


So there you have it – 101 ideas for your next infoproduct!

Of course as mentioned at the beginning, you should easily be able to spin these 101 ideas into several hundred other ideas. Just mix and match product ideas across different categories, or nichify each idea to create an almost endless supply of ideas.

So what I suggest you do next is take out a fresh piece of paper or open a new text document, and use this report to brainstorm at least a few dozen product ideas in a specific niche.

Warning: don’t let those ideas just sit there and gather dust. As soon as you’re done brainstorming, pick one of the ideas and start taking action on it right away. Because the sooner you do that, the sooner you’ll be turning your ideas into cash in the bank.