Introduction: Success
Success: Different people measure it in a whole range of different ways. To some, success might mean opening their own business or getting a promotion at work, whilst to others it could be passing an exam with a high mark, finally buying their first home or car, or even managing to hit their savings goal.
In every walk of life, there is success to be had – whether it be at work or school, at home, within your relationships and friendships or even with your finances.
Successful people all have one thing in common – they’ve trained their mind to be programmed to achieve.
At the core of reaching your goals and getting what you want is your mind-set, playing a hugely influential part in how you approach working towards your goals and the way in which you pick yourself back up from failure.
Being successful is down to a lot more than pure luck alone; in order to achieve success in almost everything, it’s vital to have the right mind-set, strategy and approach. If you’re not achieving your goals as often as you would like to, your mind-set could be in need of a re-vamp. In this report, you’ll learn how to:
• Set achievable goals and work up towards attaining success, Tune into your mind to blank out negative thoughts and increase positivity
• Deal with setbacks and failures in a positive manner
• Think like a successful person
• Imitate the actions and habits of successful people
• Re-motivate yourself when you lose your ‘mojo’
• Practice perseverance
• Learn from your mistakes, no matter how catastrophic they are
• Anticipate and prepare for negative people, situations and thoughts
• Change your lifestyle and make decisions which attract success
• Overcome feelings of giving up.
Changing your mind to think positively towards achieving success is not as hard as it may seem. Even if you believe that you think positively most of the time, it’s your thought patterns when the going gets tough which can have a negative impact on the results which you experience.
No matter what you want to be successful with in life, training your mind to work in a way which encourages and promotes success in any situation can significantly help to improve your life experience.
Contrary to popular belief, success is not always down to privilege or sheer luck.
Although being in a privileged situation or simply having a streak of good luck can certainly help, many successful people who have definitely not come from privilege and have average luck have proven that anybody can experience amazing success so long as they put their mind to it.
So, how do you put your mind to it and become successful? Read on to discover the mind-set secrets of the very successful and learn exactly what should be going on in your head to attain the goals that you have always dreamed of.
Whether you’re hoping to get that coveted promotion at work, achieve an educational goal, hit a savings goal or even buy your first home, these mind-set strategies can be implemented in almost any situation and in working towards almost any type of goal.
As mentioned above, measures of success vary from person to person – so whatever it is that you wish to succeed in, the secret is having the right mind-set.
Tune Into Your Mind
You may not realize it, but your subconscious mind could be the very thing that is holding you back from being as successful as you dream of.
As humans, there is a lot that goes on in our heads that we don’t even realize, subconsciously deciding what we do and don’t do without giving the action or choice much thought.
The problem with this is that after years of ‘programming’, our own minds can become our number one enemy when trying to achieve a goal.
You may not even realize it, but your subconscious mind actually controls a great deal of your behavior. Whilst only around 10% of your brain actually interacts with the outside world, a huge 90% of your mind is comprised by the subconscious, so it’s no wonder that it controls so much of what you do.
On duty 24/7, the subconscious can’t tell the real from the imagined – which is just one of the reasons why it can be so influential on how successful you are in life.
Your conscious mind (the part that you are aware of) is responsible for identifying various information through the use of the five senses – sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing – and making decisions based on what is relevant in your life. Subsequently, the decisions that you make with your conscious mind affect your subconscious.
Programming Your Mind
Throughout your life, you are constantly programming your subconscious mind – even without realizing it – as a result of the decisions that you make.
Thoughts, habits and beliefs are all ‘programmed’ into the subconscious – if you’ve ever found yourself doing something simply ‘on auto-pilot’, you have your subconscious to thank for that.
The first step to achieving success in life is to train your subconscious to think successfully. Although this may sound like a difficult or even impossible task, it can be done if you are prepared to put in the right amount of effort.
So, how exactly can you program your mind to think like a successful person? Since you’re reading this, you’re definitely already on the right path.
Now, all it takes is learning the strategies to tweak your subconscious and change those negative habits to positive ones, leading yourself down a path of success rather than failure or mediocracy.
Visualizing Success
One of the most important steps to programming your subconscious mind to think and operate in a matter that encourages success is to visualize the various things that you wish to achieve in life.
This could be comprised of a whole variety of different things – whether you dream of starting and running a successful business, owning your own home, working in a better paid job or even becoming healthier, visualization is the very first step that you need to take on the road to success.
Without a specific vision of success, it can be hugely difficult to point your subconscious mind in the direction that you want it to go. Knowing where you are going is, after all, vital to knowing when you arrive.
With that being said, it’s also crucial to ensure that your visions are not too general.
Having a generic vision for success such as ‘have a great life’, although genuine and positive, is neither clear nor focused enough to have an impact on programming your subconscious mind into taking the right kind of actions for success.
Your Daily Task
Visualizing your goals and then forgetting about them is not enough to program your subconscious mind to do the things that you need it to do for success.
Unfortunately, your subconscious is not a computer – you can’t just input information into in once. To properly train your subconscious for success, you’ll need to constantly remind it of what you are working towards achieving.
With this in mind, a daily task of writing down your main goals is essential.
Whenever possible, write down your goals on paper before you go to bed at night or first thing in the morning when you wake up.
This simple task of writing things down on paper can have a huge impact on your subconscious mind and act as a frequent reminder of the things that you must do to complete your mission.
Take it further by writing down your goals and placing them somewhere that you can see them – the fridge door, or at your work desk, for example.
Being Specific
Be extremely specific when writing down and visualizing your goals. Do you dream of owning a gorgeous house?
Take it further – write down all of the features that your dream house will have, whether it’s a bathroom for every bedroom, a walk-in closet full of designer clothes, a cinema room, or a swimming pool.
Maybe you dream of running your own business. Again, be specific with your visualization.
Don’t just think of the money that you’ll make – imagine yourself interviewing staff, pitching your products and services, signing contracts with huge clients and even visualize an office with your name and ‘CEO’ on the door.
Even if the end result is not exactly the same as what you have imagined, having clear, specific and precise visual ideas of what you’re working towards achieving is hugely influential on the way your subconscious works.
Don’t Give Up
After years of creating habitual thought patterns, actions and responses, your subconscious mind is in no shape to be re-programmed in a short amount of time.
Think about it this way – it’s already taken all of your life to get your sub-conscious to how it is today.
Thankfully, you won’t have to wait another lifetime for new thought patterns and habits to be formed – but it certainly can’t be done in just a few days.
From time to time, it’s normal to find yourself slipping into old, negative habits or thoughts.
Don’t let this discourage you – it’s to be expected, and being prepared is the best thing that you can do in order to stay in control.
Acknowledge that your subconscious will not change overnight, and you are already half way there.
Setting Your Goals
We’ve talked about programming your subconscious to carry out the actions needed to achieve your goals, but what about choosing the goals that you set?
Too often, people give up on their dreams because their goals seem far too unattainable.
For example, those living on a low income could dream of be-coming a millionaire, but quickly give up on the idea as they believe that it is simply impossible.
But, is it? Many low-earning, average people have beat the odds and be-come hugely successful, even famous.
Each of these people have one secret in common: A successful mind-set.
How to Build Goals
Take a moment to really think about yourself and the way in which you approach things.
Do you quickly give up on goals that you deem impossible to reach?
Does the idea of working for a long period of time to achieve a goal fill you with feelings of dread?
Are you quick to give up if something doesn’t happen soon enough, or do you have the patience to wait and persevere?
If, like many people, you prefer instant or at least quick gratification, setting smaller goals to build up to one, main goal is the best strategy for you.
Setting small, achievable goals as ‘building blocks’ to a larger achievement is a method for success that works immensely well for many people.
This method allows you to break down the amount of work that you need to do to achieve your goal into smaller, more manageable portions.
Rather than setting one goal of ‘start a business’, setting a number of smaller goals which, by achieving each one, will eventually prepare you to become a business owner can help to put things into perspective.
There’s a reason why this method is commonly used by people who are hoping to lose a lot of weight, for example.
Let’s say that you are over-weight and need to lose 100lbs – taking on the whole amount at once can be massively overwhelming.
But, what if you break it down to ten weight loss goals of 10lbs each? Suddenly, it becomes much easier to manage and goal attainment does not seem as impossibly far away.
Strategic Goal Setting
Dividing your goal into multiple, smaller and more easily achievable goals is often one of the best ways to achieve success. But, in order to attain the end results that you want, it’s important to have the right strategy.
Making sure that you set the right goals which will lead up to your end goal is hugely important.
For this reason, this goal setting task is definitely not one which should ever be rushed. The more thought and effort that you put into designing and setting your goals, the better your end result will be.
For example, if your main goal is to buy a home, don’t just set yourself savings goals. Instead, set goals that cover everything that is needed to eventually purchase a property – for example this could include improving your credit limit or even researching areas to live.
Once you’re finally able to buy a home, you will find that the more you have achieved beforehand, the easier it will be.
And, let’s not forget that the more you consciously decide to do, the better programmed your subconscious mind will become.
Setting Time Limits
One of the biggest mistakes that many people make is set themselves time limits for their goals.
Whilst sometimes this can be unavoidable, if possible it’s always best to ensure that you have as much time as you need to achieve your goal, or at the very least set yourself a reasonable time limit.
Giving yourself too little time to achieve your goal can result in your stress levels rising, causing you to make rash decisions and even damaging your mental well-being.
When setting a goal which needs a time limit, giving yourself the maximum amount of time available is key to keeping your stress levels to a minimum.
On the other hand, certain people may find that time limits motivate them and encourage them to be proactive. If you fall into this category, working out reasonable time limits for each of your goals may be the best way for you to approach them.
However, when using this strategy, it’s crucial that you do not fall into the trap of believing that you have failed if you fail to achieve a goal within the designated time frame.
When working towards goals with time limits, it’s important to keep close track of your progress in order to determine in advance whether you think you are able to meet the time deadline or not.
When possible, extending your time limit should always be considered if you believe that it is needed.
Remember that going at your own pace and understanding that life is unpredictable is vital.
Setbacks and Failures
Even the most successful of people have to face setbacks and failures at some point.
Failures and setbacks are a huge part of achieving success, even if they are the complete opposite of what you are working towards. But, it is how you deal with these situations that really matters.
Those who achieve success and meet their goals over and over again tend to constantly face setbacks head on and deal with failures in a positive manner.
Rather than failing once and giving up, successful people keep on trying, persevering and not allowing downfalls to get the better of them. Fall down six times, get up seven.
Always a Lesson
You may have heard the saying – ‘never a failure, always a lesson’. This is the mantra of successful people, the motto that almost everybody who constantly experiences a high level of success lives by.
And, it’s true – believing and accepting that you have ‘failed’ and allowing setbacks to get the better of you is a sure fire way to never achieve your goals for success. Instead, ‘failure’ should not be an option.
Even if things do not go as planned, take every setback as a learning curve, try again, and use the experience and knowledge that you now have to make better decisions and put different strategies for success in place.
Learning from Mistakes
It’s not about the mistakes that you make; it’s what you do after them that really counts. Everybody makes mistakes; it’s an unwavering part of being human.
Some mistakes don’t have much impact – for example pouring the wrong drink or buying the wrong item in a grocery store, whilst others can have massive negative consequences for you. But, all mistakes are educational.
Rather than letting the mistakes that you make guide your decisions – they will simply lead you to giving up – allow them to teach you how to make better decisions.
Once you’ve made a mistake, learning from it allows you to better under-stand where you went wrong with the choices that you made, and what to avoid doing in the future.
Turning the Negative into Positive
No matter how huge a blunder you have made, it can always be turned into a positive thing.
Yes, some mistakes may cost you – perhaps you are trying to achieve a large savings goal and have made a big investment that went wrong – but they do not have to cost you your success.
In fact, overcoming your mistakes and still achieving your goals at the end of it all can make you feel even more successful and do wonders for your self-esteem.
Managing Your Emotions
When you make a mistake, especially one which has huge consequences for you, it’s natural to feel a whole range of emotions.
Some people may respond with panic, others get upset, and certain people may numb themselves to any emotion, trying to forget what has happened.
Whilst all of these experiences are completely normal, they are also negative and do not help you on your overall journey to success.
So, allow your-self a short period of time to feel whichever emotions that you need to, take a deep breath, and encourage yourself to find some positives.
Although it may be difficult at first, it’s definitely possible to find positive factors in a mistake.
Even if it’s just ‘don’t do (whatever you did that caused the outcome) again, you’ve learned something from it.
Taking the time to sit and jot down any-thing that you have learned and any positive facts that you can take from the mistake that you have made is an essential step to overcoming a set-back and continuing on the path towards your goal of success.
Motivating Yourself
At times, even the best of us can become demotivated.
Feelings of failure, too many negative thoughts, or even becoming tired due to working too much and putting a lot of energy into doing things that bring you closer to achieving your goal can all lead to demotivation and a lack of drive to get things done.
Sometimes, being demotivated is simply a sign that you need a rest. At times, being demotivated is your mind telling you that you need to take a break and invest in yourself for a little while.
Instead of letting demotivation lead you away from achieving your goals and cause you to make costly mistakes, it’s important to learn how to deal with it in a positive, beneficial way.
Taking a Break
Oftentimes, taking a break away from the work which you have been doing in order to achieve your goal can actually be beneficial.
Giving your mind time to relax can help you to think more clearly and put things into perspective for when you return.
Demotivation can often be a huge tell-tale sign that it’s time to take a short break. If you are feeling demotivated, continuing to work even though your heart is not in it can have seriously negative consequences.
Therefore, don’t ignore your mind when it’s telling you that a break is much needed. Take a few days – or even a few weeks if you think that you need to – to put working towards your goals on the back burner and concentrate on resting and relaxing.
Rather than battling on and trying to ignore your feelings, taking a break away from it all can actually help you come back more determined than ever to achieve your goals for success.
Feel Like Giving Up?
Being demotivated often comes along with a huge side helping of wanting to quit.
If you have been working at trying to achieve a goal for a long time and are constantly experiencing setbacks, wanting to throw your hands up in the air and call it quits is definitely not an uncommon feeling.
However, perseverance is key when it comes to achieving your goals for success. For the world’s most successful people, quitting is simply not an option.
They will analyze and reanalyze their mistakes, change their strategies, take breaks when needed and come back to try over and over, again and again.
If you wish to achieve success in any areas of your life, quitting should never cross your mind.
Learning to quickly dismiss thoughts of giving up and replace them with more positive ideas such as ways in which you can change your strategies or what you can learn from your mistakes is much more beneficial to your success.
Putting Things into Perspective
All too often, people give up on their goals for success when they are very close to actually achieving them.
Success takes work and effort, and for many, this can become too much to deal with after putting in the sweat, blood and tears needed.
If you feel like giving up, take a step back and look at how far you have already come.
When thoughts of quitting enter your mind, take a deep breath and list all of your achievements so far – writing them down can really help to calm your thoughts and put things into a clearer perspective.
You may even be surprised to learn how much you have actually managed to achieve whilst working towards your goal, and how much closer you are to success than you were when you first began.
For many, this can be a pivotal moment which results in re-motivation and feeling more determined than ever to achieve their goals.
Thoughts and Habits of Successful People
Unsurprisingly, successful and non-successful people have inherently different thought patterns and habits. In order to become a successful person, it is essential that you first think and act like one.
Whilst programming your subconscious to carry out the actions needed for success, replacing negative thoughts with positive ones when you find you have made a mistake and dealing with demotivation in a positive manner are all good habits that successful people do on a regular basis, there is a lot more to thinking like a successful person.
Prioritizing Success
Successful people make achieving success a priority. As soon as they have achieved a goal, they move on to a new one.
The successful person is constantly looking for new ways in which to achieve success and how to maintain the success that they have already achieved in their life. It is no wonder that some successful people are often thought of as being selfish or self-absorbed.
And, it’s true – in order to be successful you do have to be a little bit selfish at times.
Whilst constantly only thinking of yourself can have a negative impact on your life and relationships with others in the long run, oftentimes putting yourself and your goals first is essential to achieving success.
Finding the right balance between being plain selfish and prioritizing your goals for success is crucial.
Living for Success
Successful people are always finding new things to achieve. Whether they are a business owner looking to branch out into a different market or some-body who has lost a large amount of weight training to take part in a triathlon, the successful mind never stops at just one goal.
Thinking in this manner is hugely important if you have set yourself smaller, achievable goals in order to attain the bigger end game that you have in mind.
Many people give up after achieving just one or two of the smaller goals, convincing themselves that they have done enough and settling for a lower level of success than they had initially wanted.
Truly successful people, however, never do this. In order to train and re-program your mind for success, it’s crucial to always look for different, new ways in which you can be successful – no matter how small.
Never Stop Learning
Successful people never believe that learning finishes when you get a college degree.
Those who experience high levels of success are constantly looking to learn new things, often strong believers in the fact that there is never too much of anything that one can learn.
Education is hugely important to success. Whether it be academic education, general education, or learning more about how to have good relationships with others, learning as much as you can about anything that you can imitates the lifestyles of hundreds of thousands of people who are success stories.
Whenever you can learn something new, grab the opportunity with both hands.
Another significant habit of successful people is that they are proactive about achieving their goals.
People who enjoy high levels of success never just sit around and wait for things to happen; they draw up plans, create strategies and learn what needs to be done to achieve their goals before putting it into action.
Being proactive is hugely important when it comes to achieving the kind of success that you have always dreamed of.
Proactivity doesn’t only include taking charge of your actions and doing what it takes to make your dream a reality; it also includes going in search of new things to learn which will benefit your progress, such as meeting new people, seeking out good advice, researching strategies that relate to your specific goals. If you’re reading this, you’re already being proactive!
Networking is another thing that successful people know will significantly help them to achieve their goals.
There is a lot to be learned from speaking to people who have experience in achieving their goals.
Whether your goals are career, financially or even personally oriented, there is always other people who you can speak to and learn from.
Making networking with others and asking questions a huge part of your life and your journey to success should be an absolute priority.
Networking doesn’t always have to be done in person, either – seeking out internet forums, social media groups and other platforms for interacting with others is a great way to stay connected with people who can help you on your journey.
Seeking Encouragement
Successful people know that at times, it’s impossible to go it alone.
Whether it’s seeking advice from others or simply having a trusted friend or family member who you can confide in and seek encouragement from when the going gets tough, surrounding yourself with positive people who can provide you with support when it comes to achieving your goals is a crucial part of being successful.
One of the most important things that you must learn is that feeling down, demotivated or even wanting to give up is nothing to be ashamed of.
Having a good network of supportive people who understand your goals and can provide encouragement, advice and even help when needed can be hugely beneficial to your success.
In some cases, it may be a great idea to find a mentor – paid or unpaid – who can provide you with guidance on the best strategies for successful goal achievement.
Lifestyle for Success
Your lifestyle can have more of a significant impact on your success than you may actually realize.
Certain lifestyle choices can drain your energy, your bank account, and take away your motivation and drive.
Oftentimes, decisions and choices which you make that are seemingly unrelated to achieving your goals and becoming successful can actually be massively influential.
In order to become successful and re-program your mind for success, it’s also important to delve into your current lifestyle and work out if there is anything that you are doing or failing to do which could be having an indirect impact on the results that you achieve.
Your Health
Your physical and mental health can have a bigger impact on your success than you may think.
When we are in good health, it’s much easier to be motivated to take action and work towards goals without getting tired or becoming easily distracted.
The lifestyle choices that you make hugely impact your health, whether in a positive or negative way.
An example of this would be your diet – you may not realize it, but the food and beverages that you consume can actually affect your mind, encouraging or discouraging motivation and proactivity.
When examining your lifestyle choices, start at the most basic level – the things that you put into your body.
If you have a largely unhealthy diet and consume high levels of processed food, saturated fats and sugars, this can have a large impact on the health of your mind and your energy levels.
Although foods that are high in sugars or ingredients such as caffeine can often give you a temporary ‘boost’, consuming too many of these foods or beverages can actually leave you feeling tired, putting you in a situation where you ‘crash and burn’.
Successful minds are often healthy minds – switching to a healthier, cleaner diet with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and pure water may yield results that could even surprise you.
Staying Active
Did you know that exercising is hugely beneficial to your mental health?
With studies showing that the ‘feel good’ hormones released by cardiovascular exercises such as cycling, swimming or running are actually able to relieve the symptoms of depression, it’s no surprise that increasing your level of activity could actually help to increase your level of success.
Exercising is a great way to declutter your mind and enable you to think in a clearer manner, making it one of the best things to do when you are feeling completely overwhelmed with working towards your goals.
If you feel that you’ve been working at something for far too long and not getting anywhere, taking a short break to go for a run, swim or other exercise could be just what you need.
Looking After Yourself
In short, when aiming for success, you should strive to make as many smart decisions as possible when it comes to your lifestyle.
Looking after yourself should be the biggest priority – after all, being successful is often not easy, and you need to be both mentally and physically prepared to take on whichever goals that you have in mind.
Certain goals may involve making lifestyle changes directly – for example losing weight, training for a fitness event, or even quitting smoking.
On the other hand, even if your goal for success doesn’t involve your lifestyle directly, the choices that you make can certainly still make a huge impact.
Getting Enough Sleep
Last but not least, it’s important that you don’t lose any sleep over achieving your goals for success.
Although at times it can be tempting to stay up through the night working on a certain part of getting closer to the results that you desire, having a good sleep routine and making sure that you get enough sleep during the night is one of the most important things that you can do to help and support yourself.
Sleep is absolutely essential for good mental function, and without it you may end up unable to think straight, putting yourself at risk of making bad decisions that are detrimental to your success.
Aim to sleep for around 7-8 hours per night to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the challenges that the day has in store.
Cutting Out Negativity
Negativity is one of the most harmful things that any successful person can face.
Whether it be your own negative thoughts or the words and actions of others, anything short of remotely positive can seriously hinder your success if you allow it to.
Cutting the negative factors out of their lives is something that all successful people need to do.
Negativity will find its way into your subconscious mind, hindering the re-programming that you have already done and getting in the way of achieving success.
When it comes to getting rid of negativity, those who want to be successful in life should be absolutely ruthless.
Toxic People
Toxic people: They are the type of people who completely drain the life out of you and know exactly how to push your buttons.
Often surrounded by a cloud of negativity, toxic people can be one of the biggest obstacles your success, especially if you are related to one or have one in close proximity, such as in your workplace.
Toxic people often have negative opinions that they are not afraid to share; this can result in you feeling seriously disheartened as they voice their negative views about your goals and plans to achieve them.
Toxic people should never, ever be involved in your plans for success – they will most likely never have anything constructive or helpful to say or do.
Cutting out toxic people is not always easy. Perhaps you are related to one, living with one, or working with one.
Maybe the toxic person in your life is a parent, housemate or even your boss.
So, what does one do in this situation? If you cannot cut a toxic person out of your life altogether due to close ties or responsibilities, it’s important to cut out talking to them about your plans for success.
Limiting your conversation with anybody who has a history of adding a negative twist to things and creating doubt in your mind about your ability to achieve your goals is a hugely important part of becoming successful and re-training your mind for success.
Even if you try not to take any notice of the negative and unhelpful things that these people have to say, it’s vital to remember that your subconscious mind takes on board everything without you even realizing.
Your Own Negativity
Really getting to know yourself as a human being is absolutely essential to your success.
Knowing your patterns and habits and understanding any recurring negative responses to situations is key to changing your mind-set and becoming a more successful person.
What is it that you do negatively on a regular basis? Perhaps you feel the need to drown your sorrows with alcohol when things go wrong, or maybe you take risks that are far too high when you’re feeling desperate.
Whatever it is, knowing your own negativity can go a long way in proactively changing your patterns of thought and action and achieving the goals that you have set for yourself.
Anticipating Negativity
Successful people know how and when to anticipate negativity – whether it be people, situations, outcomes, or their own thoughts and actions.
To truly be successful, you will need to learn how to anticipate negativity and prepare for it.
Having a plan of action for when negativity enters your life and being able to tackle it head on is absolute key to becoming more successful.
Although you’re not expected to be able to predict the future – there’s no way of telling when negativity is around the corner sometimes – it’s good to get to know different patterns and understand the tell-tale signs.
Being familiar with negativity might seem like something you should shy away from in order to become successful, but actually the opposite is true – the more of an expert on negativity you are, the better you can fight it.
Being Prepared
The road to success is, unfortunately, a long and winding one with many, many obstacles.
It’s very rare to hear of somebody who became a huge success story overnight – whether your goals are modest or massive, achieving them will usually take some sort of work and effort.
Along the way, do not be surprised to experience a number of setbacks and negative situations.
Being fully prepared and having a specific plan of action in place for when these situations come about could be the difference between whether or not you achieve the goals that you have set out to attain.
For example, knowing that at times, you might feel like giving up, is actually beneficial to your success.
When you accept that these feelings could from time to time arise, it’s easier for you to have a plan in place regarding what you are going to do to tackle them, clear your mind and start over.
The Long and Short of It: Perseverance
When you get the bottom of things, there is one underlying theme which seems to crop up in every single strategy for success: Perseverance.
And, it’s true – successful people are very rarely quitters.
If you find that you give up easily, working on changing your mindset to become more perseverance is absolutely crucial.
This will most definitely involve pushing yourself to keep on going and working through tough feelings and emotions that previously may have gotten the better of you and caused you to quit.
The Quitter’s Mind-Set
The mind-set of a quitter is inherently different to that of a person who does not give up easily.
Quitters will often find themselves falling at the first hurdle, believing that because things have gone wrong, there is no chance of them ever being repaired.
People who make a habit of quitting are very rarely successful, and do not achieve as many goals in life as those who are determined to succeed.
Perseverance and determination go hand in hand; but even those who are hugely determined to achieve their goals for success have eventually quit.
Negativity is rife in the mindset of somebody who quits.
This could be through no fault of their own – often, people who quit working towards their goals have been brought up believing that they are worthless or a failure, or have had bad results in the past when trying to achieve goals and have decided that there is no longer any point in putting in the effort.
Quitters often wholeheartedly believe that they will never be successful, no matter how hard they try.
Changing Your Quitting Mind-Set
Quitters often don’t like to admit to themselves that they are a quitter. But, acknowledging this fact, if it is true, is one of the first essential things that you will need to do in order to improve your mindset and learn how to persevere.
Perseverance is not often something that quitters are familiar with, but with the right strategies, it can certainly be learned.
Take a long look at yourself and analyze the way you react to things and how often you have given up in the past. If you realize that previously, you have given up many times, it’s important to understand that you’re probably going to want to do it again.
Understanding that you are prone to giving up is the first crucial step in preparing to tackle those feelings of doubt and negativity when they crop up again in the future.
Rewarding Yourself
Rewarding yourself when you achieve your goals can give you something to look forward to and work towards.
Often, having something extra to work towards can help you to improve your initiative and drive to get a task done and achieve a goal.
For example, allowing yourself small treats such as a day off, a new outfit, a meal at a favorite restaurant or anything else that you enjoy doing can be a fantastic way to keep your eye on the prize and prevent yourself from quitting when working towards achieving your goals for success.
As you set smaller, more manageable goals that lead up to your main goal, attach a small reward to each one, only allowing yourself to have it once you have fully achieved the related goal.
Be Vocal
Often, keeping everything to yourself can only encourage you to quit when the going gets tough.
After all, if nobody knows that you were working towards anything in the first place, nobody needs to know that you’ve quit – making it much, much easier to do so.
This is why many people who are working towards a goal like to document it as publicly as possible.
By doing this, quitting becomes less of an easy option as you don’t want to disappoint the people who are following your journey.
One of the best platforms to document your journey to success is blogging.
By starting a blog where you describe not only the goals that you’re hoping to achieve but also what you’re doing to achieve them, you will find that perseverance comes a lot easier as you will not want to disappoint your readers.
Additionally, platforms such as blogging can also be monetized, providing you with more incentive to keep going.
In order to achieve success and meet the specific goals that you have set for yourself, it is vital to change your mind-set.
Unfortunately, there is no secret, quick-fix recipe for success – it is attained through massive amounts of hard work and effort.
When it comes to success, it’s all about how much effort you are willing to put in – as the saying goes, you will reap what you sow.
If you are not getting as much as you want out of your life when it comes to your success levels, it’s time to sit down and have a serious think about the amount that you are putting in.
Success doesn’t come to those who wait – it comes to those who work hard for it and don’t give up.
So far, you’ve learned how to re-program your subconscious mind to think and act more habitually positively, how to approach and learn from the mistakes that you make, how to set achievable, ‘stepping stone’ style goals, how to improve your lifestyle to encourage proactivity, how to think and act like a successful person, how to approach and deal with negativity, and how to train yourself to become more perseverant.
Now, it’s time to put those strategies into action.
Your plan of action should be personal to yourself and your goals for success.
However, every plan of action should start with a goal, that you should visualize in a specific, graphic way.
Then, create smaller goals which all lead up to the main achievement.
Once you have your goals mapped out, it’s time to put into practice all of the mind-changing strategies which encourage success.