Personal growth and development may sound like pretty serious business, and while you do have to take it very seriously, that doesn’t mean that you can’t have a lot of fun on your journey.
There are quite a number of great ways to make growing as a person a total blast!
Here are just five of the many methods that you and your friends can try out:
1. Reading comics and graphic novels
Comics and graphic novels would seem like the most unlikely places from which to gain a little personal growth and development, but you would be surprised how many of these colorful tomes talk about growing as a person.
A lot of these titles, from popular superhero stories to more subdued independent tales, revolve around coming-of-age themes, and narratives that involve the protagonist facing a great many challenges in their life and coming out victorious and more knowledgeable of the world.
This definitely isn’t just kids’ stuff!
2. Taking up an extreme sport
Personal growth and development is not just about doing one mental exercise after another. Growing as a person can actually involve activities that are pretty physical!
And while you can learn a thing or two about self-improvement through the usual sports, why not go the extra mile and get into more extreme sports instead?
From skateboarding to rock climbing, these adrenalin-pumping activities take quite a bit of guts to pull off, and if you dare yourself to do these things, growth as a person is sure to be had!
Take that risk and come out a better person!
3. Backpacking in a foreign country
A lot of people decide to travel to a place they’ve never been as a means for personal growth and development, and that certainly is a wise idea.
But considering how common it is now for tourists to actually sign up for soul-searching trips in exotic locales, complete with hotel rooms and tour guides, will growing as a person really become your goal, or will having a grand vacation?
The better bet, then, is to do things with a more bare-bones approach.
Backpacking is not only cheaper, but it is far more exciting, and will be packed with experiences that will help you become a better and more learned individual.
4. Doing amateur stand-up comedy
A lot of people fear public speaking, and many will themselves to undergo such an experience in the name of personal growth and development.
And while doing speeches is all well and good, wouldn’t it be more fun to mix things up and do stand-up comedy instead?
There are a lot of amateur nights that you can join, and you can invite friends and family over to share in the fun.
It may be nerve-wracking, but you will get out of it alive, and you will become a better person for doing it.
Why not do a skit about growing as a person and kill two birds with one stone?
5. Directing a short film
The art of filmmaking allows for a whole lot of personal growth and development, as there are many aspects to it that really encourage growing as a person.
From dealing with a considerably large crew, to imparting your vision into every single detail of your piece, whether it be the look on your actor’s face or the way the set was designed, the challenges of filmmaking will be a refreshing one.
Once you see the finished product, not only will you feel a surge of warranted pride, but you will also feel that you have truly grown as a person, that you have left behind an old version of yourself to become someone better.
Personal growth and development need not be a stodgy affair.
Every single thing that needs to be performed in life can actually be injected with a lot of fun-it just takes a little imagination!
The above examples have surely inspired you to think up of other ways to grow and have a blast at the same time.
Go for them! These actions will definitely be something you won’t regret.